Fangs of the Father

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Fangs of the Father

Postby Amaunet » 17 Sep 2015, 05:01 ... 286675.jpg

Stage 1 - Jaws of Retribution
- Proving Your Worth
- A Hidden Message
- To Ravenholdt
- To Catch a Thief
- Our Man in Gilneas
- Assassinate Creed
- The Deed is Done

Stage 2 - Maw of Oblivion
- Cluster Clutch
- Our Man in Karazhan
- Blood of the Betrayer
- Victory in the Depths

Stage 3 - Fangs of the Father
- Sharpening Your Fangs
- Patricide

Jedna z dalsich uloh, ktera nas ceka opravit je legendarni Q linie na tyto dve krasky pro roguny. Zde budete moci videt jak priblizne probiha jejich oprava. (Opravene casti budeme postupne znacit zelene)
Vse je samozrejme uzce spjato s Dragon Soulem. O nem (v jakem stadiu se momentalne nachazi) bude specialni topic zverejnen jiz brzy.

Cela Q linie nyni funkcni.

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