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028 - Ztratila se mi postava/ I have lost my character

Posted: 04 Mar 2013, 16:51
Pokud se vám ztratila záhadně postava z účtu - na 99% jste nečetli Důležité informace na foru a stali jste se obětí čistky.

Pokud jste si naprosto jisti, že vaše postava splňovala podmínky, aby nebyla čistkou smazána, kontaktuje Teuta z registračního mailu accountu. Jiná forma komunikace (tedy ICQ/PM) není možná a Teu s vámi váš problém řešit nebude.


If you have lost character from your ACC, you didnt read Important informations on forum and you've became a victim of character cleanups.

If you are for 100% sure your character meets requirements, so it couldn't be deleted by cleanup, contact Teu from account's registration e-mail. Other form of communication (ICQ/PM) is not possible and Teu won't solve your problem with you