047 - Wow Errors when browsing in guild bank

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047 - Wow Errors when browsing in guild bank

Postby Amaunet » 28 Mar 2016, 00:09

Pokud se vam stava, ze dostavate wow error pri kliknuti na nejaky tab v guild bance, zkuste z ni odstranit vsechny itemy, ktere maji random staty.
Vyznacuji se nazvem xxxxxx_of_the_druhZvirete. Napriklad Great Shoulders of the Owl nebo Small Wrists of the Lion atd...


If you are getting errors when browsing guild bank tabs, try to find items which have random stats and put them away.
These items have name which contains xxxxxxx_of_the_typeOfTheBeast. For example: Great Shoulders of the Owl or Small Wrists of the Lion etc...

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