12.2.2014- "Flexible as flex tape"

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12.2.2014- "Flexible as flex tape"

Postby mischo5500 » 12 Feb 2014, 22:07


Flexible raid locks:

-dokoncenie hlavnej casti systemu! To znamena, ze kazdy ma odteraz nezavisle ID od ostatnych v parte, cize mozete dokoncit raid v iny den, aj ked zvysok raidu dorazi raid este v prvy den.
-pri vstupu do raidu dostanete hlasku, ktora vam vypise zabitych bossov a spyta sa, ci chcete prijat dany save(Normal- pri accept sa zobere save az po zabiti bossa HC- zobere sa okamzite)

Dane zmeny budu zatial platit len na skusku v BoT-ku, aby sa obmedzili zbytocne pady a zabranilo sa pripadnemu bugovaniu equipu. Pokial bude vsetko v poriadku, system sa rozsiri na vsetky Cataclysm raidy. Obmedzenim sa bohuzial vypne zvysok nahodeneho systemu a bude platit len v BoT, cize sa necudujte, ak budete moct ist ten 1 tyzden viac difficulty z 1 raidu (;-)). Nenahlasenie a zneuzivanie bugu bude riesene bananmi alebo banmi, to ze sa vam nahodou resetne ID v BoT, vas neopravnuje ho ist odznova. (Logy su zapnute)

-zrusenie systemu z non-Cataclysm oblasti => mozete chodit vsetky difficulty starych raidov, mali by byt vsade bossovia a podobne

-zrusenie pravidla pre prechadzanie z 1 HC do druheho HC raidu, ostatne vsak platia stale dalej (nech nehovorite ze som zly)

Vopred dakujem za pochopenie pri padoch, ktore zrejme nastanu, pokusim sa ich okamzite cim skor vyriesit a za nahlasenie pripadnych bugov. Pokial sa nachvilu uzavrie BoT nedeste sa, je to len na rychlu opravu zavazneho problemu, ktory by ludom dokaslal ID.

Viac info k systemu:

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http://wowpedia.org/Raid_lockout http://blue.mmo-champion.com/topic/22056-flexible-raid-lock-system-in-401/

Core Developer
Posts: 1412
Joined: 05 Oct 2011, 21:06
Location: Žilina-SK

Re: 12.2.2014- "Flexible as flex tape"

Postby mischo5500 » 12 Feb 2014, 22:21


Flexible raid locks:

-base part of the system finished! From now, you have your own ID, which is independent from group, so if you leave raid, you can continue it another day, even of old raid group finishes the raid.

-when you enter the raid, you will get a warning prompt asking you to accept leaders ID and you will see all killed bosses (in Normal- you will be saved after killing first boss HC-you will be saved after accepting save immadiately(just copy dead units, not saved to the group) )

These changes will be applied only in BoT this week to prevent a lot of potential server crashes and bugging of equipment. If everything will be okay, system will be spread on all Cataclysm raid. The whole Flex raid diff system will be applied only on BoT, so feel free to go all difficulties of other raids (just this week=P). Abusing bug instead of reporting will result in "Bananas field" or Ban, if your ID in BoT gets reseted, it does not approve you to go it again. (Logs are turned on)

-turn off the system on non-Cataclysm raids=> you can go all difficulties of old raids and all bosses will be (hopefully) spawned correctly again

-removal od rule for merging from one HC to another, other rules, however, remains active

Thanks in advance for understanding the crashes, which can potentially appear, I will try to fix them immadiately and for reporting any bugs, that will appear. If BoT will be closed for some time, don't get scaried, it will be to fix potential bug, which should broke your ID =P

More info to the system:

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http://wowpedia.org/Raid_lockout http://blue.mmo-champion.com/topic/22056-flexible-raid-lock-system-in-401/

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